
Primordial grace, the great perfection woven throughout the fabric of being, offers always a way home, in and through the natural radiance of the origin itself. The practices of opening to this sacred wholeness arose out of direct experience in the wilderness long before humans turned from the Earth and created structures of separation.

Particularly now in these times of great upheaval brought on by human insistence on remaining apart from the natural world, we need to make a different choice by embracing the teachings that are all around us manifesting naturally as the vision that is this life, letting go of separation, reconnecting with the Earth, and acknowledging the radiant intent at the heart of all being.

A guide for reuniting with this primordial path as a prayer for all life, Primordial Grace joins a greatly revised version of their previous work, Luminous Heart of the Earth, with the visionary path of radiance, providing a guide to the natural wholeness of the complete path.

Primordial Grace is offered as a seed of hope, and within a seed is the energy to live and grow in the rubble of this age and reestablish human connection with the primordial grace of Earth, original heart, and radiance.

Heart Seed Press 2014  ISBN 978-0-9831945-5-2

5.25″ x 8″, 312 pages, 15 black and white illustrations

available on,, and on Kindle edition.

“Dans leur livre, Grâce Primordiale, Robert et Rachel Olds offrent un guide pour s’unir à ce chemin primordial comme une prière pour toute vie. Le livre combine une version revue et enrichie de leur livre précédent, Luminous Heart of the Earth (Cœur Lumineux de la Terre), et les instruction de la voie visionnaire de la radiance ou Ati-yoga. Ils offrent un guide vers la plénitude naturelle du chemin ultime, incluant les préliminaires essentiels, les instructions et des conseils pratiques pour reconnaître le cœur originel et la pratique des visions de la radiance.Grâce Primordiale est offert comme une graine d’espoir dans une époque d’obscurité sans précédent. Et au sein de la condition de l’existence demeure une graine qui est l’énergie pour vivre et grandir dans les décombres de cet âge et pour ré-établir la connexion humaine avec la grâce primordiale de la Terre, du cœur originel et de la radiance. “

    Tögal (Thogal) is an ancient spiritual path, a dynamic visionary process arising from your heart and the very basis of all manifestation. The rainbow-colored visions of Tögal are primordial; they are the first and most radiant aspect of manifestation closest to essence. They are a doorway to direct perception of the luminous union of essence and radiance, and they are not separate from the natural world. They arise from the same source and for the same reason, to provide an avenue for return to essence; there is a sacred intent, a great compassion, woven throughout the very fabric of being.

    The visions of Tögal mature in a way that is both specific and beautiful. Robert and Rachel Olds kept sketchbooks of the Tögal visions during their nine-year retreat together, and they share their drawings and the perspective that the ripening of Tögal brings to show the correlation between the visions of inner radiance and the vision that is this life. The images in the visions are not esoteric or secret; they are all around us in the natural world, from concentric rings on the surface of a pond to the patterns of the background radiation of the universe itself. The visions of Tögal and the natural world are equally sacred. Now more than ever, when our Earth is in peril due to non-recognition of this inherent holiness, it is important to acknowledge and reaffirm the sacredness of this entire arising vision we call life.

Heart Seed Press 2011               ISBN 978-0983194507

11 x 8.5 inches, full color, 172 pages, 145 color illustrations

available on,,, and on Kindle edition

Understanding is a bridge, what happens when you go across to the other side. A story is one way to cross that bridge and inhabit a world of possibility.

In a story woven of voices of animals, people, and the land, exiles from an imploding Orwellian culture encounter the relict natural world, themselves, and each other, and enter an older way of being, blended in openness. An exploration of the way home. A story of sacred Earth.

Visionary Fiction

Heart Seed Press 2014   ISBN 978-0983194514

5.25″ x 8″, 476 pages

available on,, and Kindle edition

Comprendre est un pont. Que se passe- t-il lorsque vous passez de l’autre côté?. Exilé d’un monde Orwélien en implosion, rencontrer les reliques du monde naturel, se rencontrer et rencontrer les autres, et retrouver un mode de vie ancestral. Une exploration du chemin du retour à l’origine. 

Une histoire de la Terre sacrée. 

Copyright ©2014 par Rachel Dutton Olds. Tous droits réservés. Aucune partie de ce livre ne doit être reproduite, distribuée ou transmise sous quelque forme et par n’importe quel moyen sans le consentement écrit de l’éditeur. 

Heart Seed Press

ISBN 978-0-578-72052-4
Livre mis en page par Robert & Rachel Olds Illustration de couverture par Rachel Dutton Olds 

Traduction française : Pierre Lançon (Octobre 2020) 

    True retreat begins long before you enter a cloistered space in time for any kind of spiritual practice. The spiritual path is a long journey. Your whole life, the sum of all your choices and perceptions, is already a spiritual path. What you bring, or perhaps most importantly, what you do not bring with you into retreat has a strong bearing on the outcome. The life preliminaries for each person are different, but there are common threads, primarily what brings you to a generous trusting openness. Robert and Rachel Olds offer portions of their journeys to encourage recognition and revaluing of the glowing threads of openness already woven through your own life. Water Drawn Before Sunrise is a portrait of two lives that came together with the same purpose, a dialogue about living with the Earth on a spiritual journey. It is a picture composed of moments along their way, moments of inner radiance bursting forth, and moments in between, pushing, pulling, and prodding them to remember luminous awareness, vast and fluid.

Heart Seed Press  2010             ISBN 978-0615376288

available on,, and   

    Coming to direct experience of original heart, original nature, outside words and doctrine is crucial for the spiritual path. The luminous awareness abiding naturally in your heart finds clear reflection within the natural world. To go outside concepts and entanglements of the mind that cloud the heart’s perception, the most powerful avenue is simply to go outside into the embrace of the natural world. This book is a trail guide for all those who feel an instinctive resonance between spiritual practice and nature, for those who are seeking direct experience of spiritual awakening rather than further ritual or elaboration, and for those who seek a way to deepen their connection with their hearts and the heart of all life.

Heart Seed Press 2011             ISBN 978-0983194590

available on,,,, and