
A seed for a new beginning

Given the level of human insanity today, it may be increasingly difficult to believe or envision that some humans could live after the coming collapse and return to the sacred circle of life. In our hearts, we see a future where small groups of people come back to a life lived with our First Mother in original heart and begin the long journey of healing. 

The circle of life holds a seed for a new beginning. In that seed are groups of Earth people who are spiritually responsible for themselves, spheres of influence responding to other spheres like concentric circles forming on a pond in a light rain. They are individual, humble, and aware, offering whatever they can to the group and are given whatever they need, always balanced in union within the whole. Each group is a small circle of people knitted together, a flock of birds moving as one through their hearts, a living consensus moving within the flow of original heart. No separation, no lesser or higher, a call and response in the moment wedded to all the other calls. 

Do you see yourself in such a seed? Do you see that you can return to origin? Can you see yourself leaving the structures of the mind and living with the openness of the heart? Can you envision yourself bringing your wants and needs down to virtually nothing to open to a life filled to overflowing? 

Our world vision we call Earth can be lived in simplicity, within the wonder and living glory that naturally arises. You can still learn how to do this, the techniques are few, but the most important is an open aware heart. Knowing how to live with our Earth is crucial to shed the basis of the fear underlying contemporary culture. To know in your heart that wherever you are you can build a shelter, find water, build a fire, and find food liberates you from the terrible curse of the fall, the fear of being helpless, the fear of being lost. We are here to live simply within this vision of the natural world, without the fears and burdens of separation, following the personal signs and messages in a heart to heart union with the divine, a spiritual life played out through countless lives embraced by this flow of intent. 

Questions at the edge of possible extinction: What do I want to have done by the time I die? What do I want for others around me now or for those who may live in future times? These are important questions. Do we want to dig in, hold fast to the familiar beliefs, to what we have become accustomed to, even if it is contributing to the destruction of the planet, or are we willing to let go and take a chance, take the opportunity to change, to live a truly different alternative that could heal the damage and offer a kinder future for all life?

Setting seed for humans involves invoking our gift of choice. We can choose to no longer bend life to our limited purposes and instead choose to honor and nurture all life as our now distant ancestors did, and  as some of our living relatives do now who still listen to the voice of the Earth, those cultures whose people have been trying to tell us for thousands of years to turn back and remember ourselves back into the circle of life before it is too late. We can set seeds of expansive kinship again, and we can nurture their growth. We need to choose this path from our deepest hearts and set out along its trail while the trail is still open. Within an act of setting seed are concentric rings of light, intent, and love can move fluidly through the universe with its purpose, affecting a change and a movement into a new age.

We each have an opportunity and a sacred responsibility now at a time of setting seed to make choices that will engender a future of harmony within the heart of creation arising naturally all around us. We pray that out of the dissolution of this age will come another age in which the natural world will again be seen through the heart, as the heart. There will be no separation, no distinction of other, but a knowing loving embrace of a sacred vision, like the curving petals of a flower unfolding and radiating outward from the seed, a natural blending of union, fluid like water, expansive like the air, brilliant like the sun.